Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington
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Mechanistic Investigation of 1,5-Anti Stereoinduction in Aldol Reactions

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posted on 2021-11-12, 12:14 authored by Liu, Xuyu

Peloruside A (+)-1 is a novel secondary metabolite isolated from a New Zealand marine sponge (Mycale hentscheli) by Northcote and West of Victoria University. Because it has a polyketide backbone, aldol reactions have been widely employed for its total synthesis. Aldol reactions displaying 1,5-anti stereoinduction mediated by the C₁₅ stereocenter (according to peloruside A numbering) have proven useful for the synthesis of the C₁₁–C₁₂ bond of peloruside A and analogues. This project is the continuation of Stocker's and Turner's studies on the excellent stereoinduction of 2 in boron-mediated aldol reactions. The relative stereochemistry of the corresponding aldol product is consistence with the expectations of Kishi's C database for a 1,5-anti product. Furthermore, the diphenylsilyl acetal tethered eight-membered ring of 2 has proven to be essential for its stereoinduction, while the homoallylic oxygen does not appear to play a significant role.  Although 1,5-anti aldol reactions have been used frequently in the syntheses of polyketidederived natural products, the underlying mechanism for the 1,5-anti-stereoinduction remains inconclusive. Three models have been proposed, including Hoberg's π-stacking model, Goodman's hydrogen-bonding model, and a modification of Abiko's diborylated model. The underlying mechanism for the stereoinduction of 2 was investigated using variable temperature NMR, 1D NOESY and 1D ROESY experiments. It was found that Hoberg's and Abiko's models are not able to explain the stereoinduction of 2 and that Goodman's model used for explaining the transition states of the aldol reaction of β-trimethylsilyloxy methyl ketones is also not suitable.  A modification of Goodman's model has been proposed to explain the excellent 1,5-anti stereoinduction of 2. While attempts to couple 2 and 3 to a variety of bulky aldehydes bearing groups with different steric and electronic factors in boron-mediated aldol reactions were unsuccessful, the reaction of 3 with 4-bromobenzaldehyde using TiCl₄ and DIPEA afforded an excellent yield (>99%) of the aldol product. This revealed the six-membered ring in the TS of the boron-mediated aldol reaction is too compact for 2 and 3. However, it was found that 2 is incompatible with TiCl₄. Key questions regarding the 1,5-anti-stereoinduction of 2 have been answered and a modified procedure for the NMR investigation of an aldol reaction is described in this thesis.


Copyright Date


Date of Award



Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Rights License

Author Retains Copyright

Degree Discipline

Biomedical Science

Degree Grantor

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level


Degree Name

Master of Biomedical Science

Victoria University of Wellington Item Type

Awarded Research Masters Thesis



Victoria University of Wellington School

School of Biological Sciences


Teesdale-Spittle, Paul; Harvey, Joanne